Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Go to work...Everyday

The following comes from Jay Bilas' new book Toughness.

"Every day my father got up and went to work.  I learned about work ethic not from my father talking about it, but from watching him...I never heard my dad complain about working or about how difficult a particular job was....When he was sick or hurt, my dad went to work.  When he faced a difficult task, he performed that task to the best of his ability."

 I'm just beginning to work my way through this book, but the highlighter has been extremely busy.  I anticipate many other good nuggets to come from this book and would recommend it to anyone. 

What a great example Jay had to learn about work ethic.  I had a similar experience growing up.  I never heard my dad complain or take a day off.  He took pride in his work and instilled a work ethic in me without ever saying a word.  I hope my players and future kids are seeing a work ethic in me that I would be proud to have them emulate and pass on to future generations.


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